

My senior show in 2005 was a series of Diptych Photographs of people. Two or three people who were connected in some way. All next to each other on a roll of film. It's been awhile since I've done one of these. Last one was a triptych of children jumping into a pool for The Journal.

I've been wanting to get back into black and white as well.

This is a photo of my friend Katie. I photographed this about a week before I left WV. These two photographs were actually in sequence. When I saw them in my camera shortly after, I felt these shots had nice flow. It seemed like a glimpse into a story that the viewer had to start and finish themselves. Which is natural and, i guess , the point of making di(tri)ptychs.

Also I feel its a nice portrait of my friend.


  1. It does have a nice flow... lately i'm always keeping a roll of black and white handy :) People always seem to like my b&w work best.
